

--- EDG Fieldscope 60mm+FEP30W+P300 ---

ROOK in the wind
(Corvus frugilegus from circa 100-150m)


--- Viva creativity, Nikon D5100 Rocks! ---

Stop Movie Color sketch, Minatyre effect
Selective color... you name it!

Miniature effect from high 
vantage point is better than 
shooting from street level.
Above: Stortorget Helsingborg from Terrasstrapporna
For those who can't see video, try this Vimeo link:
Miniature effect from high level
Above: The Port of Helsingborg, North Harbour
Miniature effect from a street level feels less "mini"


Astronomical clock through D7000 & Fisheye

Astronomical clock in The Lund Cathedral
Filmed through Nikon D7000 & Fisheye 10,5mm
Welcome to watch the movie by clicking this Youtube link...
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